
Giving is a "hot topic" and I hear complaints and questions about giving from time to time...things like: 

"Churches today only care about money."

"There is too much abuse and misuse of Church funds. 

Why should I give?"

"How do I know the money will go to a good cause?"

There are many Churches who seem to always ask for money.

2 Corinthians 9:7 "Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 

Northlakes Church operates on the generous gifts of it's people but we know it is up to each person to make sure giving is a cheerful experience, a natural outgrowth of ones relationship with God. 

Gifts can be made to Northlakes through your preferred bank via online banking.  Details are below! 

Northlakes Christian Church

BSB: 325-185 (Beyond Bank)

Account: 38610982

Please write "Tithe" or "Offering" in the reference field.